Parent University
Classes for NYC Families
Parent University seeks to educate and empower families as partners, advocates, and lifelong educators in their student's education through free courses, resources, events, and activities.
Parent University serves all families, from early childhood through adulthood. Even if you are not a parent, we encourage you to become involved with Parent University. With an expanding course list Parent University is ready to support you. Register and enroll for a course today!
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Respect for All: Day Five
Friday, February 14: National No One Eats Alone Day
- Teachers pair up (randomly or not) two students to each lunch together and provide some fun questions for them to discuss. Each student can create a friendship bracelet for their lunch buddy using their answers.
- Speed dating, friendship edition: Talk to someone for three minutes and move on to the next person. Use guided questions and recap at the end of the session.
- Write a heartfelt note to your school custodians, cafeteria staff, school safety agents, and school nurse expressing your appreciation for them. This simple act can brighten someone's day.
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Respect for All: Day Four
Thursday, February 13: Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and LGBTQ Pride and Acceptance
- Wear the rainbow colors of the LGBTQ+ flag to honor gender identity, sexual orientation, and LGBTQ pride and acceptance. Check out other pride flags for outfit color inspiration as well!
- Celebrate advocates for the LGBTQ+ community from throughout history and up to the present day. You can learn about history-making individuals with the “Hidden Voices: LGBTQ+ Stories in United States History” profiles. Like Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” and Ellen DeGeneres coming out on her eponymous show in 1997, what moments in pop culture stand out to you?
- Decorate your classroom doors as colorfully as possible. Make your entryway to learning open to all students.